case study
Fresh Relevance provides customer clarity for Vision Direct with email acquisition and cart abandonment strategy
Find out how Vision Direct increases their marketing database and email click-through rate.

Vision Direct is Europe’s largest online contact lenses supplier. The company brought Fresh Relevance on board to assist with its cart abandonment email strategy.
Vision Direct is Europe’s largest online contact lenses supplier that has helped more than 1.9 million customers save on the cost of their eye care every month, with brands such as Acuvue, Dailies and everclear.
Fresh Relevance was initially recommended to Vision Direct to assist with its cart abandonment email strategy across the UK, Spain, Italy and the Netherlands, however the company quickly realized the potential of its real-time personalization platform including the use of pop-ups for email acquisition.
“By working with Fresh Relevance we are able to buildlevelsoffunctionality into our eCommerce operations that we simply do not have the time or resources to build ourselves.”
“By working with Fresh Relevance we are able to buildlevelsoffunctionality into our eCommerce operations that we simply do not have the time or resources to build ourselves.”
Emma Haskell, Head of Customer Retention, Vision Direct
Data capture popovers
Customers buying contact lenses tend to remain loyal repeat customers, so when a visitor arrives on the website they are either interested in becoming a Vision Direct customer, or are looking to place a repeat order. However, in order to be able to engage with new prospects via email, shoppers must voluntarily provide their email address. Working with the Fresh Relevance services team, Vision Direct set up, tested and fine-tuned a best-of-breed GDPR compliant email acquisition initiative using popovers. Now, when a new customer visits the Vision Direct website, they are presented at the opportune moment with a pop-up encouraging them to register their details.

In addition to helping with new acquisitions, Vision Direct has introduced Fresh Relevance dynamic content SmartBlocks in its marketing emails, which are sent via its email service provider dotdigital. SmartBlocks prominently positioned within the body of the email are automatically populated with relevant and personalized product recommendations. They include recently viewed products and latest purchases, as well as social proof, such as crowd-sourced information on what other people have been recently looking at on the website. The impact of these product recommendations on click-throughs has been impressive with the company recording a 557% increase.
Emma Haskell, Head of Customer Retention at Vision Direct, said: “We want to make it simple for new and returning visitors to find and purchase the products they need that match their prescription, as well as provide them with timely reminders about when to place a repeat order. By working with Fresh Relevance we are able to build levels of functionality into our eCommerce operations that we simply do not have the time or resources to build ourselves.”

Future plans
Looking to the future, Vision Direct is hoping to incorporate TrustPilot ratings and reviews into their emails, as well as integrate closer with online prescription glasses retailer Glasses Direct to provide the full vision experience to their customers.