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Use loyalty data to personalize the customer experience across channels

LoyaltyLion users choose Fresh Relevance to:

  • Take the loyalty program beyond rewards and tiers. 
  • Provide loyalty members with a premium experience across the website, app, email and SMS.
  • Encourage customers to participate more actively in the loyalty program.
  • Create a sense of exclusivity by showing customers that they’re valued and understood.

Encourage repeat purchases and reward redemption

  • By using Fresh Relevance and LoyaltyLion, you can harness loyalty data, such as points and tiers, to customize the cross-channel experience for each customer.
  • Loyalty data is updated in the Fresh Relevance platform in near real-time when a customer’s loyalty points or tier changes to always ensure the most relevant experience.
  • The result: increased conversion rates, average order value (AOV) and customer lifetime value (CLTV).

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Dynamic content

Tailor messages and content to each customer’s interests and preferences to encourage them to participate more actively in the program and ultimately
become more loyal to your brand.

Provide a premium experience for top tier clients using dynamic content, e.g. by providing early access to a sale, custom reward coupons / points banners. Show customers who have reached a certain points threshold a thank you message and encourage them to keep going, e.g. by offering an exclusive discount code.

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Show customers that they’re valued and understood to create a sense of exclusivity. Build segments based on loyalty tier or points for use across channels, e.g. to show coupons or exclusive promotions within email and on the website.

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Customer data

Access a more holistic customer view, with the loyalty data being accessible in Fresh Relevance’s Visitor Details Page alongside other customer data, such as their purchase history, preferences and more.

Data at your fingertips

Quick & easy implementation

Thanks to the pre-built integration with LoyaltyLion, getting started is just a question of following the step-by-step instructions within Fresh Relevance.