Using your ESP

Step 1 – Review your Cart Abandon Email

First step is to review a test email of your Cart Abandon email to review the content which will need to be tweaked to apply to a Browse Abandonment email

  1. On the left nav, go to Triggers
  2. This will land you on the Cart Abandon Signal, with your Triggered campaigns sitting in the tree on the right.
  3. Click on the campaign(s) that you would like to replicate
  4. On the left of the screen click Send test emails
  5. This will open a new tab where you can alter the recipient test address.
  6. Click Send test email(s)

On reviewing the received email consider:

  • Does any text refer to a basket/cart?
  • Are there any complete your order buttons?
  • Does the messaging need to be softened?
  • Is there any other content you feel needs to be added or removed?

Step 2 – Review your Current Cart Layout

If no changes were identified at step 1, skip to step 4.

When using your ESP for Abandonment emails, Fresh Relevance is simply piping a cart layout into an email otherwise setup in your ESP.

To preview the Cart Layout in Browse Abandon emails:

  1. On the left nav, go to Content | Cart Layout
  2. Click into your Cart Layout
  3. Click on the Browse Abandon  tab

Within this Cart layout there are a few things to consider changing:

  • Title – ensure this doesn’t specifically mention that the items had been carted
  • Total value – Carts will often show a total value of carted items, this is not relevant to items which have not been carted
  • Complete Order CTAs – As above, with a browse abandon there isn’t specifically an order to complete a purchase. We would recommend keeping a CTA to drive website traffic, but with softer wording.

Once you’ve identified if any changes are required, reach out to our support team at [email protected] with your requirements and they can assist with code alterations.

Step 3 – Duplicate the email in your ESP

If no changes were identified at step 1, skip to step 4.

If changes were identified, duplicate the Cart Abandonment email being sent from your ESP, and tweak as appropriate.

You can identify the email being sent by:

  • On the left hand nav, click Triggers
  • Click on the Cart Abandonment Program you’re using as the starting point
  • Click Configure Trigger Program
  • Find the ID of the email being issued under Send Email*

* If this field is blank, review the settings for the Action Channel that is being used. If this is the case you may also need to create a new ESP Channel on this interface. Please reach out to [email protected] if you need assistance.

Step 4 – Create your Browse Abandonment Program

  • On the left hand nav, click Triggers
  • In the top dropdown, select Browse Abandon
  • Click Add Trigger Program
  • Click Create
  • Setup the program as desired, adding the email ID you created at Step 3 under Send Email.* 
  • Ensure that you add your email address to the Catch-all Email Address field, so that you run it in test mode

If you needed to setup a new chanel at Step 3, ensure this is selected.

Step 5 – Add your Trigger Program to the Rule Tree

Drag and drop the Trigger Program you created into the Trigger Tree, then click Save.

You can use rules to be more selective over who you contact, for example:

  • Only target abandons for certain categories, e.g. for those with high levels of pre-purchase consideration using the Person History | Has Browsed rule
  • Only send to customer who have browsed X number of products recently using the Person History | Has Browsed rule
  • Only send  to customer who have visited your website X number of times recently using the Person History | Session Count Rule
  • Exclude recently purchasers using the Person History | Has Purchased rule
  • Only target abandoners who browse at a certain time of day e.g. late night browsers using the Time | Daily Schedule

If only sending to a sub-section of visitors, ensure that you drag the Do Nothing Rule into the end of your No pathway.

Step 6 – Review and Launch

Now your email is live using your Catch-All email address, the Browse Abandon Email will be sent to that email address rather than your real customers.

Once you have reviewed these emails and are happy to push live, simply remove your email address from the Catch-All field by:

  • On the left hand nav, click Triggers
  • In the top dropdown, select Browse Abandon
  • Click on the Trigger Program which you want to push live
  • Click Configure Trigger Program
  • Delete the email address from the Catch-All email field
  • You can optionally push live and keep an eye on the emails being sent out using the BCC Email field