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New integration: Fresh Relevance & LoyaltyLion clients can use loyalty data to personalize the customer experience

May 25th 2023

Lily Hristova

By Lily Hristova

Product Manager

We’re excited to announce our new integration with loyalty and engagement platform LoyaltyLion, which will enable our joint clients to leverage customer data from their loyalty schemes to serve a tailored customer experience.

Why we’ve created this integration

Recognizing the relationship you have with your existing customers is an important step towards driving loyalty. The Fresh Relevance Customer Loyalty Report found that almost 1 in 3 consumers (29%) want early access to sales or limited editions from retailers they shop with regularly. Meanwhile, more than 1 in 3 consumers (34%) get frustrated at seeing offers aimed at new shoppers that they’re unable to use as an existing customer.

Loyalty schemes are an essential part of the eCommerce customer experience, helping to build and nurture the relationship between brands and their existing customers. In fact, 54% of UK consumers say that loyalty schemes encourage them to buy a product.

With the Fresh Relevance and LoyaltyLion integration, you can use personalization to deliver the enhanced experience your existing customers crave and achieve your loyalty scheme objectives, including increased customer engagement, redemption rates, and ROI.

How the integration works

Fresh Relevance can now sync with LoyaltyLion to collect the loyalty rewards value and tier (if applicable) for each shopper. When important actions occur on the LoyaltyLion platform, such as a shopper moving up a loyalty tier or redeeming a reward, the data will automatically be updated in Fresh Relevance.

Fresh Relevance users will be able to see a shopper’s loyalty data within the Fresh Relevance platform, and can use this data to create segments and set up marketing rules.

Fresh Relevance platform with LoyaltyLion integration

Benefits of the integration

1) Improved customer engagement

By tailoring messages and content to individual customers’ interests and preferences, you can encourage your customers to participate more actively in your loyalty scheme, earning and redeeming rewards and ultimately becoming more loyal to your brand.

2) Increased redemption rates

By presenting relevant and timely offers based on loyalty data, you can increase the likelihood that customers will take advantage of their rewards.

3) Enhanced customer experience

Personalization can also help you enhance the overall customer experience of your loyalty scheme. By showing customers that they are valued and understood, you can create a sense of exclusivity and encourage customers to participate in the scheme.

4) Higher program ROI

With increased customer engagement and redemption rates, you can ultimately drive more revenue and profits from your loyalty scheme.

Integration use cases

Target customers based on loyalty tier or number of points

Our joint customers will be able to target different content and experiences based on which tier the shopper currently sits in or how many points they currently have.

Here are a few ways to utilize this:

  • Show customers in your top tier a more premium online experience
  • Show customers who have reached a certain points threshold a thank you message and encourage them to keep going
  • Display a dynamic banner with a link through to your rewards page e.g. “You have 9000 points to spend! Come take a look at our awesome rewards.”
  • Show customers who reach a certain number of points or move up a tier a dynamic banner with a coupon thanking them for their loyalty e.g. “Congratulations on reaching 10,000 points! Thank you for your loyalty. Here’s 20% off your next order.”

Mock-up example of a pop-up with a discount for clients who have reached the silver loyalty tier

Build segments based on tier or points

Joint customers will be able to leverage the loyalty data to create detailed segments for use across channels.

Here are a couple of ways to use these segments:

  • Offer early access to promotions and price drops
  • Display reward coupons within email and on site

Mock-up example of a banner offering a loyalty scheme customer early access to a sale

Final thoughts

If you’re an existing joint customer and you’d like to learn more about using our new loyalty integration, simply reach out to your account manager for more information. If you’re not already using Fresh Relevance and LoyaltyLion, book a demo to find out how your business could benefit from the integration.

Lily Hristova

By Lily Hristova

Product Manager

As Product Manager at Fresh Relevance, Lily works on the development of new product features that help our customers get the most out of our platform and meet their business goals.