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Fresh Relevance is ISO certified

July 19th 2024

By Yousif Rajah

Information Security & Privacy Director

In September 2023, Dotdigital acquired Fresh Relevance to strengthen its customer experience and data platform (CXDP) offering. A little under a year later, the integration of the two companies has progressed significantly. One of the key milestones of the integration plan was to bring Fresh Relevance under Dotdigital’s ISO certified management system, and we’re pleased to announce that this objective is now complete.

Our Commitment to ISO Standards

Dotdigital has maintained certification to ISO 27001, ISO 27701, and ISO 14001 (for Information Security, Privacy, and Environmental management) since 2020. During our most recent external audits, conducted by Alcumus ISOQAR, we extended the scope of the audits to include Fresh Relevance. As a result, Fresh Relevance is now certified to the same standards, demonstrating that the same processes and controls mandated by these standards have been applied across the entire organization.

The Global Significance of ISO Certifications

The International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) is an independent body that sets global standards in areas such as security, safety, and quality. As the name suggests, its goal is to define standards for best practice that can be implemented, irrespective of an organization’s size, type, or location.

ISO27001 and ISO27701 take a holistic approach to information security: vetting people, policies and technology. By continuing to prioritise and achieve these certifications within the ISO framework, Dotdigital customers can rest assured that they are working with a supplier who upholds the highest standards in risk management, cyber-resilience and operational excellence. Within the context of environmental consciousness, ISO14001 offers a structured approach for businesses who choose to take a proactive approach to environmental management and are dedicated to a sustainable future.

We’re proud to hold these certifications and as they demonstrate our commitment to maintaining the security and privacy of data, as well as to the protection of our most valuable resource – our planet.